Sure, they’re awesomely delicious, but beyond the sweetness, Girl Scout Cookies are an opportunity for girls to do extraordinary things.
- Selling cookies teaches goal setting, decision making, money management, people skills, and business ethics—aspects essential to leadership, to success, and to life. Girls are learning to speak up when they approach customers, they’re gaining confidence at cookie booths, and practicing everyday leadership that will benefit them for years to come.
- Girls put their cookie earnings to good use. They may use the money earned to fund a service project or Highest Award project that will improve their community or donate the money to a worthy cause. Whether she’s working to save the honeybee population or exploring robotics, there’s no doubt she’s doing amazing things.
- Cookies help fund new adventures. From experiencing summer camp for the first time, to going on a life-changing trip to the tropics of Belize, her Girl Scout Cookie Program experience helps power new, unique, and amazing experiences.
So, what’s really inside a box of Girl Scout Cookies? Her success. Girl Scouts are not only learning essential life skills but are taking the lead in their communities, trying new things, and making the world a better place.
Join Girl Scouts today and be part of the world’s largest entrepreneurial program for girls. We can’t wait to see what cookie-powerin’ adventures you’re capable of.