Council appointment is required for an individual to serve in a service unit volunteer role. Appointment is at the discretion of River Valleys.
- Individuals are appointed to service unit volunteer roles on an annual basis.
- Annual appointments run through September 30.
- Individuals are appointed to service unit volunteer roles by River Valleys staff.
- Term limits, if applicable, are outlined in each position description.
- Individuals seeking appointment or reappointment must meet and maintain all qualifications and requirements of their intended role as outlined in the position agreement, including but not limited to:
- Current adult member in good standing.
- Completion of River Valleys volunteer onboarding process, including background check and acceptance of service unit volunteer position agreement.
- Practice welcoming and inclusive behavior toward people regardless of age, race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, national origin, or physical, social, emotional, or developmental ability.
- Commitment to speak and act in a manner consistent with the Girl Scout Mission, Promise, and Law.
- Reappointment to a service unit volunteer role is contingent on ability to perform key duties, successful completion of position responsibilities, and willingness to actively contribute to a positive organizational culture.
- An individual may resign their appointed service unit volunteer role at any time.
- Individuals may be released from a service unit volunteer role at any time at the discretion of River Valleys staff.
- River Valleys staff will notify individuals of appointment, reappointment, nonappointment, or non-reappointment.
- All decisions regarding service unit volunteer appointment will follow a consistent review process, taking into consideration the best interest of girl members, other volunteers in the service unit, Girl Scout families, River Valleys, and the Girl Scout Movement.
- Appointment related decisions are final.