Statement of Why:
Girl Scouts River Valleys wants Cookie Program participants, volunteers, and supporting caregivers to have a fun and safe experience while participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program through cookie booths. Cookie booths increase public awareness of Girl Scouts, and are a fun and effective way to participate in the Cookie Program.
This policy is designed to support a positive experience for customers, cookie booth partners and hosts, and all who participate in or support the Girl Scout Cookie Program. It outlines the safety requirements and ensures a consistent and equitable experience for all girls participating in the Cookie Program.
Girl Scout cookie booths are girl-operated direct-sale opportunities where customers from the public can purchase cookies from girls. Any Girl Scout selling cookies in a stationary manner will be considered a cookie booth.
Policy Statement:
- GirlScouts and their accompanying adults participating in cookie booths are required to follow the standards listed below and any additional cookie booth guidelines communicated by Girl Scouts River Valleys or the business/organization where the cookie booth is located.
- All cookie booths must be approved by River Valleys, except those held at a private residence.
- GirlScouts and volunteers are to follow instructions provided by River Valleys and the cookie booth partner (business where booth is located), follow safety guidelines, and practice good customer service skills.
- Cookie booth resources and expectations are shared annually through print and online materials.
- Cookie booth participation is optional; Girl Scouts cannot be required to participate.
- Cookie booth participation is a troop activity.
- The opportunity to participate must be offered to all members of a troop. However, if only one Girl Scout is available, the booth may be operated by an individual.
- Individually registered girl members (Juliette Girl Scouts) are treated as a troop and may participate in cookie booths.
- Girl Scouts should be easily identifiable as Girl Scouts (e.g. by wearing a Girl Scout uniform, membership pin, etc.).
- Keep inventory and money secure at all times.
- Girl Scouts must be under adult supervision at all times, following one of these ratios: o1 Girl Scout:
- 1 adult who is either the Girl Scout’s family member or a registered and background-checked Girl Scout volunteer.
- 2 or more Girl Scouts: at least two adults, one of whom is a registered and background-checked volunteer, and at least one of whom identifies as female
- Cookie samples may be distributed if permission has been obtained from the cookie booth location’s management, and health and food safety proceduresare followed.
- Donations:
- Monetary Donations may be collected for official cookie donation programs.
- Clearly mark donation containers as allocated toward these programs.
- River Valleys-secured cookie booths:
- All communication with the business or organization where a cookie booth will be held must go through River Valleys’ cookie booth staff contact, unless otherwise noted in the specific booth’s special instructions.oRiver Valleys cannot transfer cookie booth times between troops.
- Troop/individually registered girl (Juliette)-secured cookie booths:
- Each troop/individually registered girl (Juliette Girl Scout)-secured cookie booth location and time must be approved by River Valleys. Approval is up to council discretion.
- Troops/individually registered girls (Juliette Girl Scouts) are responsible for ensuring that any booth location they are trying to secure is not already secured by River Valleys and cannot pursue cookie booths at businesses or organizations that are existing partners of River Valleys.
- Reference the list posted online on the Troop Cookie Manager Resources page of the River Valleys website.oRiver Valleys-secured cookie booths have priority in the event that a troop-secured booth is scheduled during the same time and in close proximity.
- Troops/individually registered girls (Juliette Girl Scouts) are responsible for communicating with and obtaining permission from the cookie booth location’s management, and following all rules specified by the booth location.